Friday, January 6, 2012


Happy Birthday Lim Huey Ni !
Same kindergarten, same primary, same secondary..
How cool right? x)
We've been beside each other for 10+ years,
how amazing! :D
We may not go to the same college and we have our own future,
but you'll always be inside my heart! 
I cherish every single moments when we being together,
you're truly a great friend and I'm really glad that I can have you as my friend! :)
*Well this post is almost the same as the message I've sent for you ><*

Well I have to admit that it's difficult to find our photos,
just both of us :(

不要忘记我 :P


  1. YEALA. I find till wan siao ki d. i mean the photos of you and her.

  2. HAHAHA I know I know xD should take more when we meet next time :(
